Monday, August 25, 2014


Get forms signed and practice your lock combinations!!

Practice your lock combinations tonight!
Don't forget your paperwork!

Review the elements of a story.

What is plot?


Great first week!! Students learned about plot, folklore, and the elements of a story.  We started a group project but we will be finishing on Tuesday.  On Wednesday, we will begin reading "He Lion, Bruh Bear and Bruh Rabbit."

Enjoy your (much needed) long weekend!

Review Plot

Saturday, August 23, 2014


Welcome 6th graders!! I am looking forward to the 2014-2015 school year! I hope you enjoyed your summer and you are ready to begin a new adventure.  Thank you for coming out for SBMS open house.  If you were not able to make it, I am providing you with the same paperwork and an updated flip chart. 
On Monday, we are going over procedures and expectations.  Then we will begin our Folk Lore Unit. The first story that we should be reading is "He Lion, Bruh Bear and Bruh Rabbit."  This will be in our literature book.
Also, I will be telling you a little bit about myself.  Here is a little peek at what I will be sharing.
Hope you enjoy!